ABOUT Resultiā„¢...

What is Resultiā„¢ ?

It is a search engine that respect your privacy and security.It was created in December 30, 2022. Resulti is owned by a organisation named Forjed.

Is it really safe and private?

Of course! The search engine does not offer malicious, inappropriate and adults sites. We want it to be safe, appropriate and suitable for all types of people and all ages. We have also no idea what are you doing,

What is the mission of Resulti?

Our Mission is show it possible to navigate without getting tracked. Resulti is 100% private and 100% Secure! :D

Is Resulti use an API?

Yes, We use Brave Search API for results. Did you know Resulti was using Google CSE (Google Custom Search Engine) before? To give a better privacy, we switched to Brave Search API. Better Result, Better Privacy!

Enjoy Resulti !!!

For more questions or comments about this, contact Forjed Group at [email protected], mention @resultisearch on your tweet or DM on Twitter.

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